Class MouseEvent

Direct Known Subclasses:
DragEndEvent, DragStartEvent, DropEvent, JBStrapMouseEvent, ListGridHeaderClickEvent, ListGridHeaderDoubleClickEvent, ListGridRowClickEvent, ListGridRowDoubleClickEvent, NavigationEvent

public class MouseEvent extends BrowserEvent
This class contains the data of the mouse event. These are the following:
  • The client on which the event occurred
  • The ID of the component on which the event occurred
  • The event type
  • The instance of the component, on which the event occurred
  • The event's unique ID
  • If the ALT button was held down during the event
  • If the CONTROL button was held down during the event
  • If the Meta button was held down during the event
  • If the SHIFT button was held down during the event
  • Which mouse button was held down during the event
  • The position of the mouse cursor, relative to the client area
  • The position of the mouse cursor, relative to the previous MouseMove event
  • The position of the mouse cursor, relative to the component area.
  • The position of the mouse cursor, relative to the page
  • The position of the mouse cursor, relative to the screen
  • Constructor Details

    • MouseEvent

      public MouseEvent()
  • Method Details

    • getScreenX

      public Long getScreenX()
      Gets the mouse cursor's horizontal coordinates relative to the screen
      The mouse cursor's horizontal coordinates relative to the screen
    • getScreenY

      public Long getScreenY()
      Gets the mouse cursor's vertical coordinates relative to the screen
      The mouse cursor's vertical coordinates relative to the screen
    • getClientX

      public Long getClientX()
      Gets the mouse cursor's horizontal coordinates relative to the client (current window)
      The mouse cursor's horizontal coordinates relative to the client (current window)
    • getClientY

      public Long getClientY()
      Gets the mouse cursor's vertical coordinates relative to the client (current window)
      The mouse cursor's vertical coordinates relative to the client (current window)
    • getCtrlKey

      public Boolean getCtrlKey()
      Determines if the CONTROL key was held down when the event occurred
      true, if the CONTROL button was held down when the event occurred, otherwise false
    • getShiftKey

      public Boolean getShiftKey()
      Determines if the SHIFT key was held down when the event occurred
      true, if the SHIFT button was held down when the event occurred, otherwise false
    • getAltKey

      public Boolean getAltKey()
      Determines if the ALT key was held down when the event occurred
      true, if the ALT button was held down when the event occurred, otherwise false
    • getMetaKey

      public Boolean getMetaKey()
      Determines if the Meta key was held down when the event occurred
      true, if the Meta button was held down when the event occurred, otherwise false
    • getButton

      public Long getButton()
      Determines which mouse button was pressed when the event occurred.

      The number corresponding to the pressed mouse button.
      Possible values:

      • 0 : Left mouse button
      • 1 : The mouse wheel/middle button
      • 2 : Right mouse button
      Note: If using Internet Explorer 8 or earlier, the values are:

      • 1 : Left mouse button
      • 2 : Right mouse button
      • 4 : The mouse wheel/middle button
      Note: With a left handed mouse, the return values are switched

    • getButtons

      public Long getButtons()
      Determines which mouse buttons were pressed when the event occurred.

      The number corresponding to the pressed mouse button(s). If multiple buttons were pressed, then the number values will be added. (Ie: The left button was pressed (1) and the right button was pressed (2), then the returned value will be 3.
      Possible values:

      • 1 : Left mouse button
      • 2 : Right mouse button
      • 4 : The mouse wheel/middle button
      • 8 : The fourth mouse button, usually the "back" navigation button
      • 16 : The fifth mouse button, usually the "forward" navigation button
      Note: With a left handed mouse, the return values are switched

    • getPageX

      public Long getPageX()
      Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the document
      The horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the document
    • getPageY

      public Long getPageY()
      Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the document
      The vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the document
    • getOffsetX

      public Long getOffsetX()
      Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the component area
      The horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the component area
    • getOffsetY

      public Long getOffsetY()
      Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the component area
      The vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor, relative to the component area
    • getMovementX

      public Long getMovementX()
      Gets the horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the position of the last mouse move event
      The horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the position of the last mouse move event
    • getMovementY

      public Long getMovementY()
      Gets the vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the position of the last mouse move event
      The vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the position of the last mouse move event
    • getWhich

      public Long getWhich()
      Determines which mouse button was pressed when the event was triggered.

      The number corresponding to the pressed mouse button.
      Possible values:

      • 0 : No button was pressed
      • 1 : Left mouse button
      • 2 : The mouse wheel/middle button
      • 3 : Right mouse button
      Note: With a left handed mouse, the return values are switched