Package com.jbstrap.core.event

package com.jbstrap.core.event
  • Class
    Animation event
    Base event class
    Browser event
    This class contains the data used when the Calendar component has a view change event.
    This class contains the data about the calendar click events.
    This class contains the data about the calendar double-click events.
    This class contains the data about the calendar move schedule event.
    This class contains data about the calendar schedule click event.
    This class contains the data of the basic click mouse event for the Chart component.
    Chart lasso event This event provides access to the following data: @return The client instance that triggered the event The chart canvas instance containing the chart that triggered the event The chart instance that triggered the event All series objects within the selection The name of all series objects within the selection All selected records
    This class contains the data of a done event.
    This class contains the data of the drag end event.
    This class contains the data of the drag start event.
    This class contains the data of the drop event.
    This class contains the data of the general event error.
    Event builder class
    The class containing the event types supported by the JBStrap framework and the custom events.
    This class contains the data of the fetch done event.
    File delete handler
    Successful file upload event.
    Unsuccessful file upload event.
    File upload start event.
    This class contains the filter bar changed the visible filter editor These are the following: The client on which the event occurred The ID of the component on which the event occurred The event type The instance of the component, on which the event occurred The event's unique ID The filter criteria
    This class contains the user filtering in the filter bar component These are the following: The client on which the event occurred The ID of the component on which the event occurred The event type The instance of the component, on which the event occurred The event's unique ID The filter criteria
    This class contains the data of the Form changed event.
    This class contains the data of the Form item changed event.
    This class contains the data of the Hotkey event.
    This class contains the data of the chart data click event.
    This class contains the data of the basic JBStrap mouse event.
    This class contains the data about the keyboard events.
    This class contains the data of the ListGrid Column Move event.
    This class contains the data of the ListGrid Column resize event.
    This class contains the data of the ListGrid Column show or hide These are the following: The client on which the event occurred The ID of the component on which the event occurred The event type The instance of the component, on which the event occurred The event's unique ID The column is show or hide
    This class contains the data of the basic JBStrap mouse event.
    This class contains the data of the basic JBStrap mouse event.
    This class contains the data of the ListGrid next page request event.
    This class contains the data request request event.
    This class contains the data of the basic JBStrap mouse event.
    This class contains the data of the basic JBStrap mouse event.
    This class contains the list grid need sort data These are the following: The client on which the event occurred The ID of the component on which the event occurred The event type The instance of the component, on which the event occurred The event's unique ID
    This class contains the data of the mouse event.
    This class contains the data about the MenuBar and NavBar navigation events.
    This class contains the data about the browser page resize event These are the following: The client on which the event occurred The ID of the component on which the event occurred The event type The instance of the component, on which the event occurred The event's unique ID The new page width The new page height Page resize event
    This class contains the data about the touch events.
    This class contains the data about the wheel events.