Interface Touchable<T extends Component<?>>

Type Parameters:
T - The component type
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivityStreamItem, Badge, BaseLoginPage, BasePage, Blockquote, Button, CheckboxItem, CodeViewer, Container, DatePicker, DateRangePicker, DropDownButton, FileMiniature, Header, IBox, Image, IntegerItem, Link, ListItem, LoadButton, NavBarItem, NumberItem, Paragraph, PasswordItem, RadioButtonItem, Row, SelectorItem, Small, Span, Sparkline, StaticTextItem, SwitchItem, TableCell, TableHeader, TableRow, TabPage, TextItem, Timeline, TimelineItem, Treeview, TreeviewNode, UI.RootLayout, Wizard, WizardStep

public interface Touchable<T extends Component<?>>

Components that can handle touch events.

Components that implement this interface can handle touch events. These events are fired when the user uses the application on a device that has a touchscreen.

These touch events are::

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addTouchCancelHandler

      default T addTouchCancelHandler(TouchCancelEventHandler handler)
      Adds a touch cancel event handler to the component. The event is fired when the touch event is cancelled by the device. Each device cancels the touch event differently, and certain devices use this event. If the device fires the event, the event handler will also be called.
      handler - The TouchCancelEventHandler implementation
      The component
      See Also:
    • addTouchEndHandler

      default T addTouchEndHandler(TouchEndEventHandler handler)
      Adds a touch end event handler to the component. The specified handler will be used, when the user takes their finger off the component.
      handler - The TouchEndEventHandler implementation
      The component
      See Also:
    • addTouchMoveHandler

      default T addTouchMoveHandler(TouchMoveEventHandler handler)
      Adds a touch move event handler. The handler will be used, when the user moves their finger on the screen.
      handler - The TouchMoveEventHandler implementation
      The component
      See Also:
    • addTouchStartHandler

      default T addTouchStartHandler(TouchStartEventHandler handler)
      Adds a touch start event handler to the component. The handler will be used, when the user touches component.
      handler - The TouchStartEventHandler implementation
      The component
      See Also: