Class titleParam


public class titleParam extends CustomParamComponent<titleParam>

A prepared CustomParamComponent that displays the "title" parameter of the layers if it was set using the BaseLayer.setTitle(String).

The parameter is only displayed in the DivLayer with the added component.

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class com.jbstrap.ui.Component

    animation, attributes, backgroundColor, borderColor, color, defaultHotKeyHandler, handlers, hotKeys, styleClasses, textAlign, toolTip, toolTipPosition
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a "title" parameter component.
    titleParam(String prmDefaultValue)
    Creates the "title" parameter component with a default value that is always overwritten with the current layer's parameter value in the DivLayer.
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class com.jbstrap.jbmap.layers.param.CustomParamComponent

    addComponent, writeHTML

    Methods inherited from class com.jbstrap.ui.Component

    _hide, _setAttribute, addAllowedRole, addComponent, addComponents, addDeniedRole, addHandler, addStyle, addStyleClass, addStyleClasses, afterDraw, b, clearfix, closeTag, combinateAccess, containsStyle, containsStyleClass, draw, drawSubComponents, error, f, flattendComponentTree, g, getAccess, getAccessMode, getAllowedRoles, getAttribute, getAttributes, getBackgroundColor, getBorderColor, getClient, getComponentById, getComponents, getComponents, getComponentsByClass, getData, getDeniedRoles, getHandlers, getId, getLanguageCode, getName, getParent, getParent, getRegisteredEvents, getStyle, getStyleClasses, getTextAlign, getTextColor, getToolTip, getToolTipPosition, getTypeName, getUI, init, insertComponentAfter, insertComponentBefore, isAccess, isDrawn, isEnabled, isEventBubbling, isVisible, onHide, onHotKeyEventHandler, onShow, openTag, redraw, removeAllComponents, removeAllowedRole, removeAllStyleClasses, removeAttribute, removeComponent, removeComponent, removeComponents, removeDeniedRole, removeHandler, removeStyle, removeStyle, removeStyleClass, removeStyleClasses, replaceComponent, replaceStyleClass, runAfterDraw, runJavaScript, runJavaScript, runJavaScript, runOnHide, runOnShow, say, setAttribute, setBackgroundColor, setBorder, setBorderColor, setData, setDisplayType, setEnabled, setEventBubbling, setFlex, setFloating, setHeight100, setHeight25, setHeight50, setHeight75, setHeightAuto, setLanguage, setMargin, setName, setOverflow, setPadding, setParent, setScrollable, setSelectionType, setShadow, setStyle, setTextAlign, setTextColor, setToolTip, setToolTipPosition, setVisible, setWidth100, setWidth25, setWidth50, setWidth75, setWidthAuto, showNotification, showNotification, showProcessIndicator, toggleStyleClass

    Methods inherited from class com.jbstrap.core.messagebus.MessageBus

    b, c, closeMessageBus, d, e, messageBusOpened, openMessageBus, sendMessageToMessageBus, subscribeMessageBus, unsubscribeMessageBus

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • titleParam

      public titleParam()
      Creates a "title" parameter component.
    • titleParam

      public titleParam(String prmDefaultValue)
      Creates the "title" parameter component with a default value that is always overwritten with the current layer's parameter value in the DivLayer.
      prmDefaultValue - The default parameter value